Dino-Buddies® - Awards & Associations
Awards & Associations
Aunt Eeebs, Sprout and the Dino-Buddies Organization/Products have won the following Awards:
July 2018, Aunt Eeebs and Sprout won First Place for Best Children's Book FIction from the Book Excellence Awards. Sprout accepted the award which was the first award for the latest book entitled, 'But It's The Truth!' Available in Perfect Bind, eBook and CD, iTunes and Google Play eBook Apps (English and Spanish.)
The BOOK EXCELLENCE AWARDS is an INTERNATIONAL Book Awards program that receives award submissions from around the world, and the award-winning titles were chosen based on their design, layout, writing quality and overall market appeal.
For the 2nd consecutive year, we are proud and honored to announce that Aunt Eeebs and Sprout have won the prestigious Moonbeam Children's Book Award - GOLD 1st Place Award in the category of Picture Book - Enhanced & eBook Apps. The award will be presented Nov 12, 2016 in Traverse City, Michigan for the latest Dino-Buddies book, 'The Bicycle of Many Colors' which included the paperback book, Music CD and Enhanced eBook Apps. We are so very thankful for the award and recognition, as we feel it confirms and validates the Dino-Buddies adventure. This is second Moonbeam Award and we are so grateful to be associated with such an honor."
Aunt Eeebs, Sprout and the Dino-Buddies Organization/Products were nominated and WON the SOVAS Voice Over Artists Awards - Awards Ceremony Nov 13, 2016.
We want to recognize Kristy Liles Cavalche who performed the exquisite Spanish narration for our Dino-Buddies Book, 'The Bicycle of Many Colors'. Kristy is a true asset to the Dino-Buddies adventure and is the 'voice' behind all our Spanish Dino-Buddies ebooks. Thank you and congratulations Kristy !!!
Kristy Liles is the 'voice' behind the Dino-Buddies eBook, "The Bicycle of Many Colors' as well as the entire Dino-Buddies Children's eBook Series. GREAT JOB KRISTY !!!
Outstanding Narration Demo Reel, Best Spanish Voiceover
Voice Actor: Kristy Liles, Kristy Calvache Productions LLC, USA
Product: Dino-Buddies: La Bicicleta de Muchos Colores Interactive eBook App by Aunt Eeebs and Sprout!
Client: Dino-Buddies (Rivercrest Industries, Inc.) USA
Author / Translator: Angela Capers (aka Aunt Eeebs) Dino-Buddies (Rivercrest Industries, Inc.) USA
Author / Illustrator / Creative Development / Casting Director / Producer: Harry P. Capers, Jr. (aka Sprout) Dino-Buddies (Rivercrest Industries, Inc.) USA
Book Summary: Baxter is delighted when he receives a unique gift from his bicycle buddies made with love and a hodgepodge of parts. However, his excitement is short-lived when he comes across the Dino-BuLLies, who tease him and make fun of this most unusual gift. In a surprising turn of events, Baxter responds to the bullying in an unexpected manner that proves not only his true character but also his genuine concern for others.
Resumen: Baxter está encantado cuando recibe un regalo único de sus amigos bicicleteros hechas con amor y un batiburrillo de piezas. Sin embargo, el entusiasmo es de corta duración cuando se le atraviesan los Dino-BuLLies que se burlan de él y de este inusual regalo. En un giro sorprendente de eventos, Baxter responde a la intimidación de una manera inesperada que demuestra no sólo su verdadero carácter sino también su auténtica preocupación por los demás.
Nov. 2015, Aunt Eeebs and Sprout won the prestigious Moonbeam Children's Book Award in the category of Children's Book w/Music & Theatrical. Sprout accepted the award for 'Who Stole Second Base?' which included the paperback book, Music CD and Plush 'Trey' stuffed animal. "...we are extremely thankful to Jim Barnes and the Moonbeam organization for recognizing our efforts. This is our first award and we are so grateful to be associated with such an honor."
March 2016, Aunt Eeebs and Sprout won First Place for Best Children's Book Multi-Media Series from the Texas Association of Authors. Sprout accepted the award from Alan Bourgeois which acknowledged all entire paperback children's picture book (7 books) series, 7 matching Audio/Music CD's and the 28 iTune and Google Play eBook Apps (English and Spanish). "Alan and his Texas Authors Association have bestowed quite a compliment on our Dino-Buddies Book, Music and Ebook App collection. He continues to support our efforts and all the TAA members with leadership and guidance to promote Authors and their materials inside and out of the State of Texas."
Aunt Eeebs, Sprout and the Dino-Buddies Organization are PROUD members of the following associations:

Independent Book Publishers Association (iBPA)