Dino-Buddies® - Schools/Libraries/BookStores
Award Winning Sister/Brother Team Share Stories and Inspire Future Authors / Illustrators!
Dino-Buddies™ – “Friends of distinction …Not extinction”.™

Cozy Campfire Stories with the Dino-Buddies!
Award-winning Authors Aunt Eeebs and/or Sprout share stories from the Dino-Buddies Book Collection around an adorable campfire setting with colorful chairs and supporting props. To the children's delight, the simulated fire is quite realistic - and so is the flickering lightning bug in a jar. Along with the 36" tall plush Dino-Buddies sitting on a log, other props include a compass, flashlights, and cute plush bugs to find /collect.
Aunt Eeebs and/or Sprout interact w/children on a selected storyline, and highlights related Family Values (SEL), coping w/BuLLying, and/or Safety topics.
Pre-K through Grade 2
The Colorful World of Sprout!
With sprinkles of inspiration and creativity, Sprout stirs the imagination of future authors and illustrators of all ages. Educational aspects of presentations follow TEK guidelines.
Sprout creatively shares knowledge on How To Write, Illustrate, and Create a Book. The Interactive Presentation is supported by Multi-Media Technology implementing many visual props to capture attention and ensure transfer of concepts to the children.
Pre-K through Grade 5 (each age appropriate)