Dino-Buddies® - Marketing / Licensing
Thank you for your interest in the Dino-Buddies™ Intellectual Properties Licensing Program.
If you would like to be considered as a potential licensee and submit a licensing proposal for the Dino-Buddies Intellectual Properties Team to review, please take the following steps:
1. Obtain a Dino-Buddies Intellectual Properties RFP Packet.
1a. Send a written request to receive a RFP proposal packet to:
Legal @ RivercrestIndustries.com
1b. Provide the following information in above request:
1c. Product category of interest
1d. Complete Company Contact information
1e. Company Bio – Manufacturing, Marketing and Licensing Experience
1f. Overview of Potential Proposal
2. Upon Receipt and Review, we will assess your qualifications.
3. If the minimum requirements are met, we will supply a RFP packet
4. Please fill the packet out in its entirety and allow 4-8 weeks for review.
The licensing program offers a wide array of items for license. Should you be selected as a Licensee, a Style Guide and all related supporting information will be provided at the appropriate time.
Thank you for your interest in being a part of the Dino-Buddies™ experience.
Best regards
Susan Garczynski
Business Development Manager
Rivercrest Industries, Inc.
(281) 565-3055 Voice / Fax
P.O. Box 771662
Houston, Texas 77215-1662
Susan @ DinoBuddies.com