2016 Voice Arts Awards (SOVAS) - Nominated Best Spanish Narration & Voiceover - Children’s eBook App (’La Bicicleta de Muchos Colores’, eBook App, Games & Music)
Kristy Liles is the 'voice' behind the Dino-Buddies eBook, "The Bicycle of Many Colors' as well as the entire Dino-Buddies Children's eBook Series. GREAT JOB KRISTY !!!
Outstanding Narration Demo Reel, Best Spanish Voiceover
Voice Actor: Kristy Liles, Kristy Calvache Productions LLC, USA
Product: Dino-Buddies: La Bicicleta de Muchos Colores Interactive eBook App by Aunt Eeebs and Sprout!
Client: Dino-Buddies (Rivercrest Industries, Inc.) USA
Author / Translator: Angela Capers (aka Aunt Eeebs) Dino-Buddies (Rivercrest Industries, Inc.) USA
Author / Illustrator / Creative Development / Casting Director / Producer: Harry P. Capers, Jr. (aka Sprout) Dino-Buddies (Rivercrest Industries, Inc.) USA
Book Summary: Baxter is delighted when he receives a unique gift from his bicycle buddies made with love and a hodgepodge of parts. However, his excitement is short-lived when he comes across the Dino-BuLLies, who tease him and make fun of this most unusual gift. In a surprising turn of events, Baxter responds to the bullying in an unexpected manner that proves not only his true character but also his genuine concern for others.
Resumen: Baxter está encantado cuando recibe un regalo único de sus amigos bicicleteros hechas con amor y un batiburrillo de piezas. Sin embargo, el entusiasmo es de corta duración cuando se le atraviesan los Dino-BuLLies que se burlan de él y de este inusual regalo. En un giro sorprendente de eventos, Baxter responde a la intimidación de una manera inesperada que demuestra no sólo su verdadero carácter sino también su auténtica preocupación por los demás.